Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Mirren = Smokin'-hot Badass

Today a picture of 62-year-old Helen Mirren in a bikini surfaced online. And HOLY SWEET LORD IS THIS WOMAN SIZZLING:

Damn, sister, did you make aging your bitch!

How do you do it?! Do you drink the blood of nubile virgins for breakfast? Did you install a fountain of youth in your backyard that you bathe in nightly while being fed bonbons from a gilded tray? Did you make some kind of crazy-ass Rosemary's Baby pact whereby you get that body and some minion gets... your Scottish terrier?

Also, I think the bathing suit is cute. Damn, woman, you're killing me here! Now I have to go to the freakin' gym and run on the treadmill to the tune of self-loathing. Thanks for nothing.

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