Friday, July 11, 2008

Bleepin' P****

Caught some of Kathy Griffin's My Life on the D-List last night, which was alternatively giggle-inducing and so boring that I actually chose to clean the carpet instead (for about 3-1/2 minutes, then got distracted by something shiny, which turned out to be a piece of a candy wrapper, which made me think of chocolate, which made me wish I had some).

At one point in the episode, she stunt-marries some nice Jewish couple. She, of course, FUBARs most of it, and peppers the majority of the ceremony with vulgarities fit for a tattoo parlor in San Pedro. Most of these vulgarities were helpfully bleeped by the kind censors at Bravo. Most except: "pussy." That's right: "fuck" and "shit" were no-gos but a derogatory term for female genitalia passed with flying colors. More than once. I'm considering writing a letter to Bravo and telling them: "It's all or nothing, bitches. Come the F on!" I'd love to know what the thought process is behind allowing a "pussy" over a "shit," but I'll leave that to the experts to ponder.

And I'm sure if Kathy ever read this, this would sum up her response:

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