Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Dumb Avocados

In between mourning George Carlin and Amy Winehouse’s lung capacity, this served to distract the living shit out of me:

E!, in an E!xceptional move, has decided to take the negative press directed at its newest reality vart, “Denise Richards: It’s Complicated,” and turn it into promo fodder. Although I do not fully grasp the complex subtlety of “Dumber Than an Avocado,” I can say with some certainty that this is meant to be derogatory, an insult to both avocados and Denise Richards.

I also detect a soupçon of sexism. Don't you?

It’s not really that complicated.


Anonymous said...

I'm with Go Fug Yourself on this one: Denise Richards: I'm Disgusting. See this outfit for proof of concept.

Maybe she can fit an avocado in her hairy, smelly axewound. That might be complicated. The avocado would have to either be pretty dumb or drunk to go there. I mean, we're not talking Phoebe's "Pricey" snatch or Clay's "Aiken" pussy. Gee, I'm so clever and up on the D-List.

V said...

"Clay's 'Aiken' pussy" — bless you, Daddy, for that chestnut.