Saturday, May 31, 2008

Ugly Betty

Initial thoughts:

Wow, a lighting bolt! Am I ready to tell my partner that my vagina is also a superhero and that he or she shouldn’t be surprised one night when it gets up and puts its cape on and flies out the window?

In case I want to make perfectly clear that this shit comes with a premium and that they’d better provide cash or some serious perks if they ever want to see this again, there’s a dollar sign to spell things out.

And just in case I haven’t come to terms with the fact that I actually have a vagina and its related parts, I can sculpt a little flower down there to put myself at ease every time I accidentally see myself naked when getting into the shower.

And please, like a hippie would have the coordination to chisel a peace sign into some bush?

It’s always black-tie… in my pants! Dress to impress!

From guest blogger, Gregoire: “Turns out it isn’t our foreign policy that makes the rest of the world hate us. Strangely the first thing that came to mind when I saw this was the avuncular old man with a gray (not pink) beard asking me to please just give 50 cents a day so that little Maria can go to school and get her first look at clean water. And I thought, "Wow. This is perspective. People would actually spend the same amount or more making sure their important hairs were as neurotically manicured as Versailles. USA! At least all you have to pay for are the tools… the fountain’s already there.”

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