Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Vadge in a Box

This is NEWS, people:

Somebody finally bottled vulva!

I need to put this on my Amazon wish list STAT.

Just read the scintillating description: “The precious, vagina odour filled into a small glass phial.... Vulva Original is not a perfume. It is a beguiling vaginal scent which is purely a substance for your own smelling pleasure.”

How have I been living without this? How have any of us?

I want to rub it on my male friends and see who it attracts, and repels. I want to fill a Super Soaker and spray vag juice all over the unsuspecting church-festival crowd while they're playing bingo. I want to share this scent with the WORLD. But there isn’t enough TIME!

I mean, just look how happy the model is!

Even though she was clearly attacked by something wild, obviously attracted to her eau de vagin, she still looks pretty damn contented. Like: "Yeah, I'm sniffing crotch... jealous much?"

Do yourself a favor and check out the site, for the awesomely graphic gallery. It feels like Christmas morning! You'll thank me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, you are sick in very different way than me. I just wandered around online until I found the guy who freebased bacon.
You can see the links on my other friend who blog's page, cause while I love you, you know I don't love effort. But now that I know there's soft core porn on your site, I'll be back and often.